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Health Analysis Call

This happens 4 to 5 days before Lifestyle Rewards (Autoship)

Before Call:

1.Send a text 5 days before LR is due to go out:

“Hi ______! It’s time for your Marine Collagen Analysis Call!  We are going to make sure we do that before  (Date of lifestyle rewards) During the call we will discuss your goals going forward, I’ll teach you how to place your order for month 2 and teach you how get the best pricing! Right now, ______ is in your cart.  

 (Option close to schedule)

"Is (day)  _____ good or would (day) ______be better?"

2. Send confirmation text the day before:

“For your call tomorrow at ___, please be logged into your Back Office or into the IsaLife app. Username & Password: (in welcome email) Please write down the products that you like, the things you want to try (we have 65+ products) and I will show you how to get the best pricing!!”


 The Call:

1. Review their results and congratulate them on their progress

2. Re-evaluate their goals

3. Recommend a pack and other products that fit their wants and goals. 

4. Make sure Lifestyle Rewards (Autoship) is set to every 28 days so they earn the extra 100 BV. Make sure they understand active status and the importance of it

5. Have them do their 30 Day FB Post. Explain that they will start a 3 way message with the person(s) interested, and you, their upline.

6. If they are open to the business now that they have results, schedule a Business Intro with UP-Line Leader ASAP

7. Make sure that they understand their Lifestyle Rewards (Autoship) will happen every 28 days and to set a reminder in their calendar to go in and adjust it monthly.

Reccomended Add-ons

  • BEA energy drink

  • CBD oil

  • Brain Boost & Sleep Support

  • Coffee

  • Amped Products    

  • Shake Boosters     

  •  SlimCakes

  • Joint & Pain Relief 

  • Rejuvity skincare

  • Collagen Bone broth

  • Isa-Delights

  • E+Shots

  • Whey Thins

  • Fiber Snacks

  • Isalean Bars

  • Vitamins

  • Peanut butter snack bites

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