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Yoga Practice

Welcome to the IsaLife!

Let's set you up for success!
1.  Review all of the videos and resources on our Getting Started Page Getting Started
2.  Download the IsaLife App
3.  Accept your invite to the Ignite facebook group
4.  Enter the Isabody Challenge from the IsaLife App or
ALSO, Make sure to check out Isa-Delivery in your back office 
• Unlimited ground shipping for one year.
• No purchase minimums.
• No order limits.
• Avoid summer cooler fees.
• Shipping savings applies toward all orders including Lifestyle Rewards (Autoship) orders.


Daily Planner

Cleanse Day Tracker

cleanse day tracker.jpg
  • Begin with 6 shake days, and on the 7th day do your cleanse day

  • Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water EVERY DAY. Example, 200lbs drinks 100oz of water. 

  • Don't skip your healthy snacks between meals!! This is important. This keeps your metabolism going. Find snack ideas here 

  • Save your Isagenix Snack wafers for cleanse days. Don't use them for your "healthy snack". Eat something higher in protein and around 100 calories.

  • Keep fruit to a minimum if your goal is weight loss. Don't add fruit or anything else to your shakes if your goal is weight loss.

  • EAT AS CLEAN AS POSSIBLE. Absolutely no artificial sweeteners. Avoid processed foods. Eat as much organic as possible. Avoid meat that is treated with hormones and antibiotics. 

  • Take a before picture , weight, and measurements. And make sure to look as miserable as possible. Ok, that last part was a joke, but everyone is always happier in the "after" pic 😄

Please reach out if you have any questions

Let's Talk Accountability!

You will be 65% more likely to have AMAZING success simply just by telling someone and 95% by having accountability partners to do this with you!!!

Step 1: Who are 5 people that would want to do this with you and/or simply be open to information? Write them down.

Step 2: Reach out to them either by phone, text or messenger with this non-invasive language below.... (make it easy and simply copy and paste if messaging)

Hey_____I'm so sick of feeling ____, ____ and ____. I decided to start this nutritional system and I'm going to do it with or without you but I'd rather do it with you.  Are you open to checking it out?

If they say yes: "Ok Great, I'm going to start a 3 way message with my friend ____. She is the one who introduced me to it and she will help me get you the info" Start the message and introduce the 2

Step 3: Make a facebook / Instagram post

The post should be non-invasive and basically just letting people know what you are doing and should not include the Isagenix name (you don't want them to google and end up with misinformation)


"Super excited to get started on this nutritional system my friend _____ introduced me to (tag them) So tired of feeling ____, ____ and ____. Looking forward to ____, ____ and ____. Accountability partner welcome!! 

~Note: If you are struggling with the post and would like it have more of a reflection of your personality... Please reach out. We will help you.

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